10 years new&able
The year 2013 was marked by the euro crisis and the aftermath of the Arab Spring; for the first time in 500 years a pope resigned and Germany was governed by a black-yellow coalition under Angela Merkel. This year we took the leap into self-employment and founded an independent consulting boutique, which new&able.
In the 10 years since our founding, we have accompanied many people, teams and companies on their path to change and provided many impulses for further development. There were ups and downs, tenders won and lost, strong projects and projects with room for improvement, in-depth and less in-depth workshops. Even if not every idea was flawless and every concept was complete, the organization and the people involved were and are always the focus for us.
The search for new thinking combined with pragmatic solutions drives us. We try to constantly develop ourselves and find solutions that empower people during change. We are equally convinced that change is the path to new strength. Finding the way, accompanying, goal-oriented – our values are our orientation and benchmark.
“Who would have thought 10 years ago that new&able would be so successful today? After the exciting start-up phase and the consolidation in 2018, we are looking forward to steady qualitative and quantitative growth. And with successfully placed new products and partnerships, we are looking very positively to the future and are planning further continuous growth for the next 10 years,” says Robert Dörzbach, looking back and ahead.
In autumn we would like to celebrate our 10-year anniversary appropriately. We look forward to toasting together with our customers, friends and partners. Stay tuned for more details on what we are planning. An invitation will follow in due course.