Robert Dörzbach

Executive Partner

“Mutual enrichment is the best form of cooperation.”

Why do I see it this way?

Relating to each other, i.e. a “relationship”, thrives on continuity, regular exchange and dialogue.

The ambition of our customers and partners is our passion – I mean by that: good craftsmanship, methodically up to date, conscientious working, aesthetically coherent and thus in the best sense of the word sustainable.

Leadership, development of potential, change management and strategic orientation are “my topics”. I have gained more than 25 years of experience, deepened and sharpened my knowledge. Both as a manager and expert in organizations, as well as a company founder.

For me, new&able is not just a company, but a place where you feel comfortable and understood.

Fields of Action

Business Coaching
HR Strategy
Organization Intelligence Analysis
Potential location determination
Leadership development
Change Management
Knowledge transfer

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“Mutual enrichment is the best form of cooperation.” Robert Dörzbach

Phone: 0721 619 079 0