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NEW FOQUS - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Coaching & Counseling

NEW FOQUS provides your company with a pragmatic and targeted approach to holistic support for your employees.

FOQUS = Focus

Professional coaching and assistance with
professional questions and challenges.
In the form of personal consultations,
telephone advice and online advice.
365 days a year.

Advice in German and English.

FOQUS = Orientation

Especially in special transitional phases in life,
in professional and private terms
Employees often need a contact person and

Topics are: professional development, change,
psychosocial counseling, couples counseling,
Family counseling and health counseling

FOQUS = Understanding

Holistic care and support with
difficult life situations, with health
breakdowns, special mental stress
and other major life changes.
Confidential and anonymous advice and mediation
with other contacts in the event of illness.

Healthy and happy employees

are the pillars of a successful company.